I write something in this post for you to get my hidden message.
If somebody else can read the hidden message I write in this post, he or she knows our secret.
For now on, I will randomly put my hidden message in my posts.
I write something in this post for you to get my hidden message.
If somebody else can read the hidden message I write in this post, he or she knows our secret.
For now on, I will randomly put my hidden message in my posts.
(in Bahasa)
Tiada yang paling indah selain mengenang masa-masa di SMA. Masa dimana belajar, bermain dan bergaul dimulai dengan sentuhan keingintahuan jati diri yang lebih mendalam. Masa dimana kita mulai berpetualang untuk menemukan bahwa kita adalah manusia muda sejati yang akhirnya mampu untuk melakukan segalanya. The time when we glorified our selves.
Ritual yang paling umum dilakukan untuk mengenang masa-masa itu adalah mengadakan reuni SMA. Apalagi kalau sudah melewati satu dekade berpisah, ritual itu akan semakin seru karena cerita-cerita SMA mungkin sudah nyaris terpendam dengan akumulasi pengalaman hidup pribadi selepas SMA. Memory perlu dibangkitkan kembali.
Memory-memory ini misalnya: siapa pernah pacaran sama siapa, siapa pernah mencium siapa, siapa pernah berantem sama siapa, siapa pernah jalan ke luar kota sama siapa dan bagaimana, siapa pernah nonton bf sama siapa saja, siapa pernah dimarahin guru yang mana, siapa pernah bolos bagaimana, siapa pernah nyontek bagaimana, ada apa dengan siapa, bagaimana dengan siapa, siapa yang paling pintar, siapa yang paling jago pintar-pintaran dll.
Namun, apakah reuni SMA harus diadakan bersama-sama anggota keluarga yang lain? Inilah suatu pertanyaan yang susah dijawab. Ritual tersebut mungkin akan menjadi kurang seru apabila anggota keluarga kita yang lain dilibatkan dalam acara ini. Bukannya apa-apa, setidaknya kita perlulah bercakap-cakap dengan lepas dengan pacar lama atau teman badung misalnya, tanpa ada hambatan mental yang muncul dengan kehadiran suami atau istri atau anak-anak dalam reuni itu.
Bagi saya, reuni SMA pasti akan lebih seru kalau semuanya datang dengan predikat jomblo. Tinggal diatur saja komitmennya dengan partner di rumah bahwa apa yang diobrolkan, didiskusikan, dibecandakan dan ditertawakan hanya terbatas pada event reuni itu saja. Segala urusan yang lain tidak akan dilanjutkan lagi setelah acara itu kecuali emang penting seperti urusan bisnis misalnya. Lebih jauh lagi, segala informasi nomor telepon yang diperoleh harus diserahkan kepada suami dan istri di rumah untuk verifikasi.
Hi hi hi. Masa cemburu sih sama temen SMA.
Since it launched two years ago, is Gibbs Aquada, a high speed amphibi car, getting popular? Has it achieve its niche market?
The Aquada is an expensive leisure vehicle at £150,000 (about $271,318.90). Its current price makes it more expensive than all but a few cars in the world and will appeal to a niche market for the next year or two.
Compared with:
* Lamborghini Murciélago ($273,000/ about £149,613)
* Aston Martin Vanquish ($228,000/about £124,951)
* Ferrari 575 M Maranello ($215,000/about £117,822)
* Porsche GT2 ($180,665/about £99,006)
TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
At the first time I found this acronym, I thought it appears to be a kind of Scandinavian name.
Anyway, I have in fact been adopting this term all the time. The truth is that I may at some stage expect something in return when I give something to anyone. And I believe so does everyone. Do you?
But, on the contrary, I always try to pursue such thing as a free lunch. But, what I get at last is that I still pay at least a few part of dollars I avoid to spend. At least there is even a small feedback.
Playing pool costs me about 10 bucks per hour. One time, I went outing with a couple of friends and found a bar with a free pool table. We played 3 hours for free and it means that we saved about 30 bucks. But, I realised that each of us finally spent 15 bucks for beers in three hours.
Does donation and charity programmes refer to TANSTAAFL? Yes, I think so. However, when you do some donations and charities you can use your receipt to claim back some amount of money for tax return. It is obvious that there are still matters to receive in return.
How about the things on the web? There are many things that I can get for free. Yeah right. But I need to copy and paste the banners or take in the ads and credits.
However, there are in fact many free things on the web in terms of free information and knowledge. I really enjoy it and that's for sure.
One thing to conclude, TANSTAAFL no longer applies if we at our transcendence stage are willing to share something with others based on love and affection.
Labels: finance
Oh God, I miss "cakalang fufu sous rica" plus "roa" and "kangkung cah" for my dinner's mains today. I'd also like to have a cup of "es kacang merah"for dessert. This is my today's wishlist.
Can anyone spoil me?
"Cakalang" is actually skipjack tuna fish. "Fufu sous rica" is the way of how it is prepared as being smoked and fried with chilly sweet sauce.
"Roa" is like crushed dried fish. I'm not sure what the term is in English.
"Kangkung" is a kind of leafly vegetables. "Cah" is the way of how it is cooked as being stirfried with garlic and other spices.
"Es kacang merah" is a kind of kidney beans ice cocktail.
I washed my hands with face soap and my face with hand soap. What does it mean?
It means that I will never forget what I've done. And next time, I'm going to do it again correctly.
My palm of hands and face have different skin types and also different function. However, for some occasions, I need to wash them.
When I wash my hands, I don't touch my face. While I'm doing this, I can either smile, laugh or be glum.
When I wash my face, I definitely touch it. While I'm doing this, and I don't think I have such kind of expression on my face.
Tangan mencincang, bahu memikul. Hands mincing, shoulders holding.
Those who are guilty will get punishment.
Lempar batu, sembunyi tangan. Stones thrown, hands hidden.
Hiding what have you done.
Membasuh arang di muka. Washing charcoal streak on your face.
Embarrassment is to be forgotten.
Membasuh muka dengan air liur. Washing your face with your spittle.
Keep telling lies, mistakes get bigger.
I mean it. So, help me God.
New Zealand consists of 4 million people, 9 million cows and 46 million sheeps.
I've just got email from my high school dude saying that I might have felt too hectic living in Jakarta that's why I've moved to NZ.
Actually, it's not like that, aye.
I consider that I've upgraded my country of residence for the purpose of chasing a better environment for my family. Nothing is more.
A hectic situation can happen everywhere. However, the ecosystem and social system may differ from one place to another. Different country, different people, different infrastructure and different kind of social interaction.
Jakarta population is around 12,000,000 people, whereas Hamilton is only around 197,000 people. New Zealand overall population is about 4,000,000 people. Auckland, which is the biggest city in NZ is around 1,000,000.
It's not relevant to compare Jakarta with Hamilton. Maybe, we can compare Jakarta with Auckland as both are metropolitan cities.
In rush hours, they both are about the same in terms of traffic jams and people crossing around. The different is that Auckland environment is more manageable and controllable than Jakarta.
It can be frustrating sometimes when it happens.
Our baby cries for a couple of hours almost at a same time every day or two days. She's actually a pretty healthy 1-month baby who likes laughing and smiling at us. But, every time we finish our dinner around 7.30 pm the symptom starts.
According to our doctor, the cause of colic is understandable but the symptoms is real. Then, I consult the Internet and find out that it's not really a physical problem. It's more like a psychological phenomenon. She could be so nervous, frightened and lost and then got stomachache.
I can imagine how she is experiencing a new environment outside her mom's womb.
Anyway, I can also be so nervous, frightened and lost sometimes when I feel so weak. In that case, I would frustrate my wife. He he he...
I am no longer blind to HTML scripts and information editing. Blogging has helped me a lot in learning HTML basic skill and effective information editing.
Apart from that, I found that there are many brainy bloggers who are good at designing their blogs and also writing thoughtfully.
I suggest that they are the real leaders for this time. They are the masters of their own domains as they try to create, manage and control something for the sake of their own interests and spirit.
They are great writers and manipulators. They know how to describe something in their way and edit it accordingly.
Most importantly, they really enjoy for what they are doing.
I believe one day a blogger can be a freelance editor or a media transformator for some matters that other people on the other side of the world are curious and willing to know.
Yes, they start by editing their personal information and thoughts to be shown on the web. Then, at some stage, when they think they are part of the world, they may try to create a level playing field.
A situation when they think they are just about the same regarding their roles in providing information. They would share one with each other's information for a greater scope in their surrounding environment. They may chase and pursue every information in their area.
They may avoid to tell lies as they think that those are negative goals.
Everybody is going to seek the truth as sharing information and knowledge is really part of someone's free will.
There is a kind of allegation, or could be of imagination, saying that the Tsunami Earthquake occurred last month in Asia was triggered by nuclear weapon.
A tsunami bomb has in fact been produced to create a nuclear explosion under the ocean plate and then triggered the tsunami earthquake to cause a big tidal wave to vanish the targeted neighboring civilization.
An odd geological survey result has explained that it is more like the cause of nuclear explosion rather than natural disaster in general.
Prof Thomas Leech from Auckland University had created and tested this tsunami bomb in WW2 (1944/45). It means that by this time (2005), a more sophisticated tsunami bomb would have been developed.
Indonesia in general or Aceh in particular is the targeted civilization? Or, Sri Lanka? Or, India?
Is it great? Or, is it crazy?
Does it make sense regarding the purpose?
Ask Joe Vialls.
Labels: conspiracy
Garage Sale held by Indonesian Society in Hamilton for Aceh Tsunami Fund Raising. Saturday, 12 February 2006. Hillcrest Baptist Church.
Capek banget. Dari jam 6 pagi baru selesai jam 5 sore. Biasa, panitia harus sibuk dong. Banyak juga lho barang yang dijual dan tidak sedikit juga yang laku. Kelihatannya kita akan mengadakan garage sale kedua untuk barang-barang yang belum laku. Kegiatan sebelumnya kita sudah menjual sausages dan lumayan ramai juga pengunjungnya. Yang penting sih kumpul-kumpul dan kebersamaannya dengan warga Indonesia yang lain di kota ini.
If Iran will stick in nuclear technology and try to develop nuclear weapons, it would be the second Moslem country in the world which pursue nuclear weapon development after Pakistan.
Pakistan's reason in developing nuclear weapon is to counter the possibility of India nuclear threat if necessary. That's a sensible reason as India is just next to Pakistan.
Nevertheless, Iran would be the eighth country in the world that has nuclear weapons after the USA, the UK, France, Russia, the People Republic of China, India and Pakistan.
O well, the group of eight (G8) that I never ever think that they have a subgroup of insane people that may start a real war.
Is that that cool as that is? No, I don't think so. That's could be much worse than the Nazi.
Today's free market economy could be applied for trading nuclear weapon as well by a subgroup of insane private people. Government and military develop it and then private may sell it.
Through the Internet? Could be. Just keep surfing.
Semakin sering dilakukan, semakin trampil nih jadinya.
Kalo grocery shopping pilih nappies yang berkualitas spt Huggies misalnya. Banyak yang recommend kalo Huggies itu bahannya lembut, gampang dipasangnya, fit mengikuti bentuk, mantap dan mencengkram dipinggirannya, bener-bener menyerap and tidak leaking.
Nappy harus dicek secara regular tiap 2-3 jam sekali entah nangis atau tidak. Kadang-kadang bayi menangisnya kalo sudah keberatan nappy yg penuh dengan poo dan pis. Jangan sampai begitu lah.
Jangan lupa mengoleskan calendula cream disekitar area yang dicover nappy. Maksudnya sih untuk barrier aja antara kulit dengan nappy biar kulitnya tidak rash. Brand Weleda terkenal dengan produk bayi yang mengandung bahan natural seperti calendula, tidak ada yang synthetic. Ternyata, produk Zwitsal yang banyak beredar di Indonesia banyak mengandung bahan kimia synthetic dan itu sangat tidak baik untuk bayi.
Hati-hati. Kadang-kadang kalo lagi ganti nappy, poo dan pis nya suka iseng keluar. Pokoknya hati-hati aja deh. Jangan panik atau marah-marah. Dia cuma bercanda kali.
You may need these xml files.
Can anyone tell me whether it's fake or not? I'm so stupid to believe that this blog is belong to George Bush. Anyway, I like it.
It's very creative.
Labels: conspiracy
Everyone is a news maker.
I'm not sure if it would happen in the future. However, a broad and in-depth access to news, information and knowledge is a fixed price that no one can bid or offer.
Despite many lies could be represented, people should be aware that whatever they read has to be verified by themselves.
At some point, people would get the truth of their own in return.
Is blogging a self masturbating? I'm not sure if what I say is good and right. But, that's what I feel, dudes. And, that's what I feel after visited a variety of blogs.
Yes, it's true that some interesting blogs have audience and transferable knowledge for many people. But, it is still kind of peep show. Don't you think so, man?
A blog is mostly a personal outcome and matter, right? Any thoughts, ideas, words and image just come up from someone's mind, right?
You don't even share or consult your thoughts with your partner, do you?
Any comments don't change anything, do they?
For me, blogging is pretty much like satisfying myself. I can say and show anything I come up with. Nobody is expected to deeply understand what I say.
I have at least tried to communicate with the outside world through the Internet. Moreover, I realise that I have at my consent created a genuine personal reference generator.
Most importantly, I will never take it serouisly in case of any objection.
Sangat tidak mudah mengurus dua ratus juta penduduk dalam satu wadah pemerintahan yang masih terpusat dan korup. Semuanya tidak mungkin berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Sangat tidak mudah mengelola data untuk dua ratus penduduk kalau sementara teknologinya belum terpenuhi.
Lupakan sementara nasionalisme kalau Anda masih tinggal di daerah. Orang Jakarta pun yang terdiri dari berbagai macam suku kadang kala lupa dengan nasionalismenya.
Lupakan peran pemerintah dan militer sementara, karena sekarang pihak swasta punya peran yang sangat penting dalam pembangunan kesejahteraan rakyat.
Anggaplah otonomi daerah sebagai titik awal pembangunan sebuah negara-negara kecil yang mampu mensejahterakan rakyatnya. Anggaplah orang-orang pintar putra daerah mampu menjadi presiden dan menteri-menteri kecil untuk daerahnya. Anggaplah orang-orang pintar dari Jakarta kembali untuk membangun daerahnya sendiri.
Bersatu kita teguh karena ada pengikatnya, bercerai kita runtuh karena pengikatnya dilepas. Pengikatnya adalah nasionalisme Indonesia. Ini sangat dibutuhkan dulu saat kita masih dijajah. Sekarang sepertinya kurang afdol, karena tidak ada yang menjajah. Sekarang nasionalisme sistem itu sendiri yang menjajah rakyat.
Percaya atau tidak, lebih mudah mengatur rakyat yang berjumlah sedikit ketimbang banyak. Percaya atau tidak, Indonesia akan lebih baik dengan beberapa pemerintahan.
Economic jumble sekarang ini bukan suatu kenyataan yang harus dipertahankan. Pembangunan sosial, ekonomi, politik, budaya dan militer kelihatannya perlu difokuskan berdasarkan geografi.
Fokus, fokus dan fokus.
Sriwijaya dari Sumatra saja bisa runtuh. Majapahit dari Jawa saja bisa runtuh. Siapa yang tahu, bisa saja Indonesia dari Jakarta runtuh.
Lebih baik meruntuhkan diri daripada diruntuhkan. Kalau diruntuhkan, kita bisa jadi memerlukan waktu berabad-abad untuk bersatu kembali. Sementara, kalau meruntuhkan diri, kita cuma memerlukan satu hari saja untuk menyatakan komitmen untuk bersatu kembali.
Dipecah dulu dalam beberapa pemerintahan daerah dengan nasionalisme daerahnya masing-masing, baru kemudian dibentuk Dewan Pemerintahan Intra Nasional Kepulauan Indonesia.
Niscaya kesejahteraan seluruh rakyat Indonesia akan tercapai.
Labels: conspiracy
Nonton live webcam interaktif memang mengasikan. Kita bisa mengendalikan webcam nya semau kita ke arah yg kita suka, dengan panorama yg bisa sampai 360 derajat. Kalo perlu di-zoom sampai 1000X. Kita tinggal menyiapkan Internet Explorer dengan Java platform untuk meng-capture image-nya.
Webcam yg diletakkan di tempat umum (public place) sudah banyak bermunculan di berbagai pelosok dunia. Kenikmatannya lebih bertambah sejak kita bisa memperhatikan berbagai macam tingkah laku orang di tengah2 keramaian.
Tapi masalahnya apa orang2 itu mau dilihatin, sementara dia ga sadar kalo ada yg ngeliatin?
Sementara itu belum ada hukum ttp privacy yang melarang kita melihat webcam di tempat umum (public place), karena itu adalah tempat umum. Yang ga boleh adlh pasang webcam di rumah orang tanpa diketahui yg punya rumah.
Tidak illegal memang, tapi tetep aja kurang etis. Coba kalo situ yg lagi nongkrong di tempat yg ada webcam nya. Gimana perasaannya kalo ada yg liatin dr jauh. Apa ga malu tuh kalo ketauan lagi ngup**.
Tujuan awalnya mungkin untuk mengabadikan keindahan alam dan lingkungan di sekitar tempat itu, terutama untuk tourism biar audience-nya tertarik untuk melancong ke tempat itu. Atau, untuk nge-check hujan atau nggak. Tapi, penerapannya jadi untuk mengabadikan keindahan manusia diantara manusia2 yg lainnya. Atau, nge-check kalo ada yg lagi basah-basah kehujanan.
Please click and enjoy the controllable webcams around the world:
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