(in Bahasa, sorry)
Kenapa kurs Rupiah anjlok? Tanya Pertamina lah.
Karena harga minyak dunia yang meroket akhir-akhir ini, sementara Pertamina masih harus subsidi harga bahan bakar, akhirnya Pertamina harus membeli USD50,000,000 tiap harinya dari bank-bank pemerintah untuk membiayai impor bahan bakar.
Terang aja Rupiah anjlok, wong beli USD nya pake Rupiah.
Tapi, kenapa Pertamina harus impor bahan bakar? Bukankah Indonesia adalah negara penghasil minyak? Nah, itulah anehnya. [Gak aneh lagi. Menurut comment Mas Dimas Bagus, itu karena demand domestik yang besar.]
Satu lagi, Pertamin punya Treasury Department dan Hedging Policy ga ya? Udah tampil di national TV belum ya untuk mempertanggungjawabkan segala impact yang ada terhadap tindakan mereka yang mengacaukan kurs Rupiah?
Terus, kenapa Pertamina masih harus subsidi harga bahan bakar? Nah, yang ini lebih baik jangan ditanyakan, nanti banyak yang ngamuk.
Btw, ada kemungkinan anjloknya sampai Rp. 12,200 per 1 USD dalam beberapa minggu ini. Jadi, bagi mereka yang sempat kejebak USD-nya di level Rp 12,000 an pada pertengahan Agustus 1998 lalu, siap-siap balik modal. Cukup melegakan bukan?
Ini suatu pelajaran bagi kita bahwa berspekulasi itu tidak baik. Dulu waktu USD sempat naik ke Rp.14,800 (Jan '98), turun ke Rp.7,950 (Mei'98), naik lagi ke Rp.15,200 (Juli'98), pada pertengahan Agustus'98 banyak orang mengganggap bahwa USD bakalan naik lagi, karena masa peralihan dari Jendral Soeharto ke Profesor Habibie dianggap belum menjamin kestabilan. Akhirnya banyak juga yang kecele beli USD pada level Rp.12,000 pada bulan itu dengan harapan USD akan naik lagi sampai Rp.15,000 bahkan lebih. Dan sejak itu, Rupiah malah turunnnn terus dan stabil pada level Rp.7,000-8,000 an, selama tujuh tahun.
Suatu penantian yang lumayan lama... tujuh tahun. Itupun belum dihitung sama nilai suku bunga dan inflasi. Dan, itupun karena harga bahan bakar dunia naik dan subsidi Pertamina.
Kurs Rupiah anjlok?
Labels: finance
Tontemboan Bible by J. Regar
Twenty-five days after my father passed away and I'm still wondering why this should have happened to our family. I admire him because he is so religious and intelligent. On the other side, I'm not really bright and full of faith like him. Again, I wonder why.
By the way, when I came back to Indonesia, I found one interesting book in my father's bookcase and took it with me back to New Zealand. I remember my father had said to me that the book is written by his great grandfather, Johannes Regar (J. Regar). J Regar is the father of Henriette Regar (the wife of Aristarchus Liando). But, there is another name on the book, M. Adriani-Gunning.
This book is in Tontemboan language with title "Koekoea an Ta'ar Oerē wo n Ta'ar Weroe" and published in 1907 by Firma P.W.M Trap, Leiden. I don't understand this language, but I think, this book is kind of a collection of bible stories, or maybe a Bible translated into Tontemboan, a language of Minahasa, which has, according to the website, never been published. Translated from Dutch or English? I'm not sure.
Table of Content

If it is true that the complete Bible in Tontemboan has never been published, why is there a website that has tried to translate the first three paragraphs of this book? And, why is there a "Firma P.W.M Trap, Leiden - 1907" on the first page? Most importantly, how the Tontemboan people understand Bible? I particularly address these questions to the Indonesian Bible History website and hopefully they can answer my questions.

Translation >>>
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The spirit of God was hovering over the water. Then God said, "Let there be light!" So there was light. God saw the light was good. So God separated the light from the darkness. God named the light "day", and the darkness he named "night". There was evening, then morning, the first day.
Tiap Langkahku (Each Step I Take)
This is my father's favourite song everytime he leads a worship or service.
Listen to MIDI file >>>
Tiap LangkahkuOriginal song (English version) and lyric by Elmo Mercer
(NKB 188)
Tiap langkahku diatur oleh Tuhan
dan tangan kasihNya memimpinku.
Di tengah badai dunia menakutkan,
hatiku tetap tenang teduh.
Tiap langkahku 'ku tahu yang Tuhan pimpin
ke tempat tinggi 'ku dihantarNya,
hingga sekali nanti aku tiba
di rumah Bapa sorga yang baka.
Di waktu imanku mulai goyah
dan bila jalanku hampir sesat,
ku pandang Tuhanku, Penebus dosa,
'ku teguh sebab Dia dekat.
Di dalam Tuhan saya harapanku,
sebab di tanganNya sejahtera:
DibukaNya Yerusalem yang baru,
kota Allah suci mulia.
Each Step I Take
Each step I take my Savior goes before me,
And with His loving hand He leads the way,
And with each breath I whisper I adore Thee,
Oh, what joy to walk with Him each day.
Photos of Wellington City, NZ
Wellington City has given me a very good impression after staying there for 6 nights. The heritage buildings, the surrounding hills, the harbour, the marina, the city centre, the university, the transportation system, the people, everything has just amused me. My dream is to live there someday.
See all photos of Wellington City>>>
Next Coupon Date: The Longest IF THEN Formula
This was actually a simple problem in semi-annual coupon bond pricing when I was asked to determine the next coupon/interest date after the settlement date. I just needed to use my common sense to find the date from the maturity date.
If the maturity date is 15-Jul-08 and the coupon is paid semi-annually, then the coupon dates are 15-Jan and 15-Jul (6 month difference) ignoring the year. If the settlement date is 16-Oct-07, then the next date after 16-Oct-07 between 15-Jul and 15-Jan should be 15-Jan-08. It's easy!
However, Excel and Visual Basic never consider my common sense to work just like that. There is always a formula or function need to be developed. Surprisingly, using the arithmetical date formula, I came up with the longest if then formula I've ever made. That's crazy as I couldn't find the simpler one.
Finally, I found this bloody Excel formula:
And this is the easy way of how you look at the formula:
=> if Settlement Date > first Coupon Date > second Coupon Date
=> next coupon date
=> if Settlement Date < first Coupon Date < second Coupon Date
=> next coupon date
=> if first Coupon Date < Settlement Date < second Coupon Date
=> next coupon date
Bear in mind that 15-Jul-07 is the first coupon date and 15-Jan-08 is the second coupon date and the settlement date 16-Oct-07 is between both dates, therefore the next coupon date is DATE(YEAR(B3),MONTH(F3)+6,DAY(F3)), which is on 15-Jan-08.
If you want to be spoiled by Excel, there is actually a formula already provided: COUPNCD(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis).
I just wanted to be a dumb person who had been trying to figure out this IF THEN formula.
Flying cheaper than driving
With petrol prices at an all-time high, there's never been a better time to fly. Following last week's surge in petrol prices it is now cheaper to fly from Auckland to many of the main centres than it is to drive. (read more)You can just pay $95 flying with AirNZ one-way from Hamilton to Wellington.

With petrol price at $1.5 per litre, you may painfully spend $120 only for petrol to drive 532 kms from Hamilton to Wellington with 0.15 litre petrol per kilometre. And, you'll get tired.
By Overlander Train, you spend $130 one-way for adult and $85 for senior. You must wait a long time to get a cheaper price.
The cheapest one is by InterCity Coachlines, you just pay $60 one-way per person. But, I prefer 1 hour sitting on a plane to 8 hours sitting on a bus.
Tips from AA: Keep your petrol cost down >>>
Back to New Zealand
Flying back to New Zealand is my only option since I have to attend my course in Wellington. Moreover, my Nina and baby Kezia really need me here in Hamilton.
I'm sad, so sad, and not really sure if I can do well for the tests. I left my mom with my brother and sister in Jakarta. But, I believe that God Almighty always take care of them.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna fly to Wellington from Hamilton Airport. I'm gonna stay there for a week.
However, I have to control myself and forget a while my sadness. It's something that would be hard to do.
Siapa yang tidak hancur hatinya
I'm blogging today just for papa. There will be a special blog for him.
Siapa yang tidak hancur hatinya, ketika ditinggal pergi oleh seorang ayah untuk selama-lamanya.
Persetan dengan perdebatan-perdebatan pengetahuan, filosofi, politik, dan prinsip yang pernah terjadi, kalaupun akhirnya seorang anak nyata-nyata telah memiliki kerangka pemikiran yang secara genuine diturunkan oleh ayahnya sendiri melalui DNA. Buku inilah salah satu hal yang sangat tidak disukai dari anaknya. Lebih baik baca alkitab menurutnya.
Hal yang tidak mungkin dipungkiri adalah bahwa seorang ayah memiliki pemikiran yang jelas lebih baik dari, dan terbaik untuk, anaknya, karena dia adalah sumber pemikirian yang hakiki untuk seorang anak. Sekali lagi secara genetik.
Seribu tangisan oleh seorang anak tidak akan pernah bisa menutupi satu pertentangan pemikiran yang pernah terjadi, walaupun maaf telah diterima oleh seorang ayah setiap kali pertentangan itu terjadi, bahkan sebelum terucapkan oleh sang anak.
Hancur hatiku untuk kepergian ayahku untuk selama-lamanya. Hancur hatiku hari ini. Hancur hatiku di dalam pesawat ini. Oh Tuhan, hancur hatiku ini.
In memoriam of Papa >>>
Papa Funeral >>>
Arti Nama Keluarga (Fam/Marga) Minahasa
Kalau anda adalah orang Minahasa dan ingin tahu arti fam anda, silahkan kunjungi:
My Father Passed Away and Got Everything Done in Wellington
Oh Jesus, God Our Saviour, take my father just by your side for his eternal life.
He is really my good man in this world, source of my good spirit that has made me to always loyal to You, Jesus, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Today, at 2pm Jakarta time, I just lost my father, Freddy Engelbert Liando. I'm still in New Zealand right now and couldn't get any earlier flight than I've got now. I don't think I would get so much time to see him before the funeral. But, I'll be there on Wednesday evening and kiss him for the last time.
-------------- In Wellington -----------
As my Indonesian passport expired, I've got the new one from Indonesian Embassy of New Zealand in Wellington. Thanks to the Consular team (Pak Arie dan Pak Toary Worang) for processing it in a couple of hours.
As my Returning Resident's Visa expired, I've got the indefinite one from New Zealand Immigration Service of Wellington Branch. Thanks to the lady that I don't even know her name for processing it even after office hours.
I much appreciate and am very grateful to these efforts.
I'm now heading to Wellington Airport to stay and sleep there until my check-in time at 5 am.
Also, thanks to Novi who had taken me to Hamilton Airport this morning.
Most importantly, to my lovely wife, Nina, for supporting me and helping me in booking, packing, and everything!
One of my photos exhibited at ArtPost Building
My previous post urged me that I have to do something in the real world instead of on the internet.
It becomes a reality when I participated in one local photo competition. One of my photos titled "A Big Click, A Big Archive" shown at ArtPost Building, Hamilton.
It's quite a hobby for me, but at least, I've utilised my digicam for even-better purposes, fun and self-appreciation.
No.1 Yahoo Search Result for "Jeffry"
As of today, Aug 1st, 2005, regardless of Google result, Anymatters is the no.1 result in Yahoo! search engine for my first name "Jeffry". Beating up the other 525,000 "American Jeffry". Yay. I'm proud to be "Indonesian Jeffry".
Yes, that's one of my blogging goal. Wannabe popular by means of internet. (...sucks!)
Gee, what for, Jeffry? Try something better in the real world, OK.