This page is valid CSS and XHTML

Finally, this webpage is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS. However, it still needs some works for the other webpages (, photoblog, gallery, keziawatch and links). I've just learned it, it will take time. Besides, I started from the Blogger's template about a year ago, yeah, by cheating on it. I found some tricky things in XHTML. Why is web designing more fun than financial modelling? Cos, it's not really a serious thing.
Valid XHTML 1.0 TransitionalValid CSS!


Tina Friday, 20 January, 2006  

Wuih, mas.. aku kaget lihat tampilan blog ini, keren..

Silakan mas kalo mau ambil RSSnya yang baru aja ya, yang lama sudah aku tutup, so yang di aja..

Thanks before.. Oh ya, ttg validasi XHTML, aku masih harus banyak belajar.. Kapan2 ajarin aku ya.. hehe.. Sudah ada buku ditangan, tapi belum ada waktu buat tekun.. *ada prioritas lain, sekolah, hehe*

Makasih masukannya ya..

Unknown Sunday, 22 January, 2006  

that's true bro like Tina said about the validation :) i just wanna share my inspirations :) terus aku juga masih banyak belajar btw blogna keren Jef salut for the good workingnya,..keep creative terus ya wassalam

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