Feedburner and Bloglines for Blogspot User

As a Blogspot user (Blogger.com), the URL of the Atom XML file is my only choice for feed format and normally appears in normal text rather than in source code. For example: anymatters appears in atom text.

One day I wanted to view it in the form of original source code in three different feeds, i.e., RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom. For example: anymatters appears in Atom source code, anymatters appears in RSS 1.0 source code, anymatters viewed in RSS 2.0 source code.

Then, I wanted to subscribe those feeds in Bloglines.com for others to collect my feeds in different alternatives of syndication formats.

I used Feedburner.com to convert my original Atom XML feed URL into three feed formats. I did it one by one by entering my original Atom.xml URL.

I checked the "Convert Format Burner" and choosed RSS 1.0 and named the URL as "anymatters/rss1". Next, I activated my new feed. I did it again for RSS 2.0 and Atom, so that I have 3 different URLs in 3 different feed formats.

Then, I went to Bloglines.com and found that my blog URL only has one available feed originally provided by Atom. I then subscribed for each of my feed URLs I got from Feedburner's service.

Finally, my blog URL has four available feeds in Bloglines.com. I did it.


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