This morning NZ time I was just surprised by Fatih's post: "Blogger Indonesia of the Week" in his blog Blogger Indonesia that I catched from my Google Reader. For visitors coming from his blog, welcome to anymatters. I actually wanted to respond promptly but today someone came to change my carpet. Yes, I got the new one and next time I will definitely blog about how to lay a new carpet. I had been following the process from the beginning and took some photos.
Anyway, Fatih's is one of blog in my reading list I label under Indonesia Context. I am Indonesian and it's obvious if I want to know something about Indonesian bloggers. He has been blogging from India to discuss this matter, which meets my need. He is such a representative blogger as he had been interviewed twice by Koran Tempo (a respected Indonesian newspaper).
Moreover, Fatih also likes to discuss about idealism and politics which touched my heart and mind. In my view, he is such a thinker blogger who understand a lot of segment in philosophy and politics. Without this, it must have been hard for him to understand many Indonesian bloggers who come from different backgrounds. I took special attention to two of his posts, the limits of freedom and the clash of fundamentalism. My real name in the comments actually.
To be honest, my blog was created unintentionally. It began with search to find an old buddy of mine in the internet around September 2004. His name is Ucok Nasution and I searched Ucok Nasution without " " in Google. However, there was no sufficient information that I can use to contact him.
In my search look-ups, I found Enda Nasution weblog. I checked out his website as I thought he might be connected with Ucok. I then came across one of his pages about Apa itu Blog? (What is Blog?) From there, it seemed I had been introduced to blog. I then until now have put my existence in the internet through my blog. It costs me almost nothing a.k.a gratis unless for the $8 p.a. to get only a domain name. It costs me my time but I'm still happy. I found various kind of bloggers in Indonesia context, such as Jay adalah Yulian, Priyadi's Place,, Finding Hani,, Taman Bacaan, Julia, vikingkarwur, Weblog Wannabe, WishLisT, etc.
But the most important thing is that I still cannot find Ucok Nasution. So, I'm hoping if anyone can help me to give such info to me. Please. Who is Ucok? Check out below.
Thanks Fatih
Tuan, tolong botolnya ditutup kembali...!!!!!
[ekonomi-nasional] Tuan, tolong botolnya ditutup kembali...!!!!!
Ucok Nasution
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 16:05:12 -0800
Seorang pengusaha yang menghabiskan akhir pekannya dengan memancing pakai perahu di sebuah danau, menemukan sebuah botol yang terapung dan tertutup rapi yang segera dihampiri dan diambil oleh sang pengusaha.Penasaran..., si pengusaha membuka tutup botol, lalu tiba-tiba dari dalam botol keluar asap yang selanjutnya menebal dan mejadi Jin raksasa yang mengambang di depan si pengusaha.
"Terimakasih tuan, tuan telah membebaskan saya, untuk ini tuan silahkan meminta tiga permintaan, saya akan mengabulkannya" kata Jin, seperti format biasa tanda terimakasih Jin yang dibebaskan oleh manusia.
Setelah kagetnya reda, si pengusaha itu terdiam sejenak lalu dia berkata, "Baiklah Jin saya ingin tahun ini tiga kejadian besar terjadi di negeri saya Indonesia ini, pertama saya ingin nilai tukar rupiah di negeri saya ini kembali menjadi Rp.2500 per 1 dollar US nya, kedua saya mau semua uang hasil korupsi baik oleh swasta ataupun pejabat pemerintah dikembalikan kepada rakyat dan semua pelakunya dipenjarakan, ketiga saya ingin hukum benar-benar bisa ditegakkan di negeri saya ini."
Sang Jin berpikir sejenak kemudian,menggeleng-gelengkan kepala, pelan-pelan jasadnya kembali menjadi asap lalu berkumpul masuk kedalam botol itu kembali. Dari dalam botol si Jin berseru,"Tuan, tolong botolnya ditutup kembali...!!!!!." (Author: Unknown)
Yogyakarta - Java, Earthquake and Panic
I'm not good at drawing nor an earth scientist, but the above picture is something I can describe about the current situation impacted by earthquake in Bantul - Yogyakarta - Java, Indonesia. After a short phone chat with Mr. Gegar Prasetya (Yaya), I am trying to put his comment regarding that matter into this posting. He is a BPPT scientist who is currently undertaking a PhD research at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
According to USGS, the earthquake is categorised as strong with 6.3 magnitude and occured on Saturday, May 27, 2006 at 5:54:02 AM local time. The epicentre is exactly located at 7.977°S, 110.318°E with 35 km (21.7 miles) depth about 20km of SSW Yogyakarta, not under the South Indian Ocean.
With a lack of natural disaster education and knowledge, surely a false tsunami rumour coming from the South Ocean direction has spread to people around Yogyakarta city.
The tsunami scare started when Yogyakarta province police chief Bambang Hari Sampurnojati told local radio that the earthquake was to be followed by tidal waves.From the north direction, the volcano eruption threat of Mount Merapi has been haunting for the last two weeks and the lava and toxic gas move towards the southern area.
"We panicked when we heard that there was a tsunami. We were ready to flee," Yogyakarta resident Clemon Cilik told the state Antara news agency. (AFP)
A vulcanologist said the quake had heightened volcanic activity at nearby Mount Merapi, a volcano experts believe may be about to erupt. Merapi has been rumbling for weeks and sporadically emitting hot lava and highly toxic hot gas. (Reuters)According to Yaya, the impact of the earthquake on the volcano eruption, however, has two possibilities: slowing down or quickening.
But, I will say, let us pray for no more deaths. Four thousand deaths are more than enough for Indonesia after the last Tsunami. Meanwhile, the relief is still to come. From us.
Update: Java Earthquake Information (in Bahasa) at, administered by Gajah Mada University team on the scene.
See the general animation >>>
The slowing down or quickening effect depends on the impact of the earthquake shakes the lava chamber.
Gempa Di Yogyakarta
Lihat video clip bagaimana proses gempa secara umum terjadi dari BBC di bawah ini.
Turut berduka cita atas tewasnya korban gempa bumi di Yogyakarta, Sabtu 27 Mei 2006, pagi pukul 5.53 WIB.
Hingga puku 18.17 WIB, korban tewas akibat gempa dahsyat di Yogyakarta mencapai 2.874 orang. Jumlah ini terdiri dari 2.349 orang Provinsi DI Yogyakarta, 522 orang di Kabupaten Klaten dan 3 orang di Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah.
(baca selanjutnya dari
Badan Geologi memastikan gempa bumi yang mengguncanag Provinsi DI Yogyakarta Sabtu pukul 05.53 WIB akibat aktivitas sesar atau patahan aktif.
Aktivitas sesar atau patahan aktif di bagian selatan Yogyakarta berarah Barat Daya-Timur Laut. Gempa bumi yang terjadi pada Sabtu tercatat memiliki kekuatan 6,2 Mw atau setara dengan 5,9 Skala Richter pada kedalaman 17,1 km.
(baca selanjutnya dari
Terpikirkan bahwa dua propinsi yang terkena musibah besar dalam ukuran global satu tahun terakhir ini adalah "Daerah Istimewa": DI Aceh dan DI Yogyakarta.

Baca selanjutnya tentang Kepanikan Saat Gempa (in English).
Taxing Sole Traders
What is a sole trader?
A sole trader is a person trading on their own. They control, manage and own the business. A blogger who owns an online trading business or receives money from advertising (ex. Google Adsense) can be considered as a sole trader. Unless one considers receiving money as donation.
How does it work?
A sole trader usually has no formal or legal processes to set up the business. The owner/manager is personally entitled to all profits, but is also personally liable for all business taxes and debts.
If you are a sole trader you're probably not paying yourself a wage, but simply taking money from the business when you need it for personal use. These takings are called "drawings". Drawings are not a deductible business expense when calculating your profit. Drawings are a part of your profit and taxed accordingly.
Record your drawings in your cashbook so that you can reconcile your cashbook with your bank statements, ensuring that there is enough money in the business to cover any bills owing.
Tax rates for sole traders
A sole trader is taxed at the individual rates as shown below.
Taxable income ($) = Rate of tax
- up to $38,000 = 19.5 cents
- $38,001 to $60,000 inclusive = 33 cents
- $60,001 and over = 39 cents
Sales = $177,000
less all deductible expenses = $108,500
Net profit (taxable income) = $ 68,500
Tax to pay ($)
Net profit between $0 and $38,000 inclusive:
$38,000 x 19.5% = 7,410
Net profit above $38,000 up to and including:
$60,000 22,000 x 33% = 7,260
Net profit over:
$60,000 8,500 x 39% = 3,315
Tax on taxable income of $68,500 = $17,985
Source: IRD NZ
Labels: finance
Quick Show - promptly watch
This is such a quick show, so watch promptly and repeatedly to get the messsage.
Just the Two of Us
I just like this song.
ARTIST: Bill Withers
TITLE: Just the Two of Us
I see the the crystal raindrops fall
And see the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you some time
And I want to spend some time with you
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us, just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us, you and I
We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not to those who wait too late
We got to go for all we know
I hear the crystal raindrops fall
On the window down the hall
And it becomes the morning dew
Darling, when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I want to be the one with you
...Building big castles way on high...
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
We can make it, just the two of us
Let's get together, baby
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
We can make it, just the two of us
Just the two of us
We can make it, just the two of us
{Repeat last two lines to fade}
When Michelle Encouraging, Others Made Unfunny Joke
What I found from her movie in was that Michelle Malkin was actually encouraging what she thinks good things. What she got from Wonkette was such an unfunny joke of conversation. And obviously, she responded angrily.
Both Michelle Malkin and Wonkette are in my reading list for the US context. I believe the US as a representative of a free world by any means of its buzzwords. Yet, the abovementioned situation still unfortunately happened. A young Asian woman liberal blogger was subjected to a joke that she considered as abusive, obscene, offensive and sexually explicit material. Or maybe racist too.
The funny thing is that the Wonkette's post has been updated, not by deleting the problem sentences but by just simply adding:
Update: This is not funny. We apologize.Now I know what the meaning of liberalism in a free world is... "restating the desired fact and apology". Making it easy, cool and fun.
Tabblo - another online photo album application
Always try a new online photo application. Yes, just what I did. Have a look my new Tabblo webpage titled Winter Pool with Kezia.
Now is considered as winter in New Zealand, but our summer spirit is still with us.
It's gonna be our new weekly programme taking Kezia to pool and play in the water with other babies and fellows from Indonesian community in our city.
See that picture. Kezia is being baptised by me. I just copied how to teach Kezia to spontaneously hold her breath in the water.
... See my Tabblo>
Google Analytics
Today I've just been invited to create a Google Analytics account. I've created it and chosen option 2 because I don't have an AdWords account. Actually, I requested Google Analytics since I knew Google bought Measure Map three months ago. I did request Measure Map account but what I've just got is Google Analytics account. It means both are the same.
We are ready for you to create your Google Analytics account! Please follow the instructions below to redeem your invitation code.
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If your site receives more than 5 million pageviews per day, please contact us by replying to this message before signing up so that we can ensure proper capacity planning.
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A Google Account is a single email address and password combination that allows you to log in to a variety of Google services, including Analytics, AdWords, Google Groups and your personalized Google home page.
1. To create your free Google Account, click the link below. Once you've provided your information, you'll need to respond to the verification email that we send you.
2. Next, add Google Analytics to your Google Account. Click the link below to start the Google Analytics sign-up process, and enter your Google Account information in the login box provided.
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Thanks for your interest in Google Analytics! For additional questions about goals, filters, tracking and more, please visit the Analytics Help Center. If you're unable to find an answer to your question on our site, feel free to reply to this email.
Once you've installed Google Analytics, we invite you to explore the content in our Conversion University for ideas on best practices and useful techniques.
The Google Analytics Team
Once again, thanks Google.
ai bet yu keinot andersten dis joks
Seorg sopir lagi nyetirin boss bule Amrik, kebetulan lagi sial. Mobilnya nyodok kendaraan di depannya krn mendadak berhenti. Dgn terbata2 ia minta maaf kpd si boss: "Sorry Sir, I brake brake, do not eat. After I Check, the wheel no flower again." ("maaf pak,saya rem2 nggak makan, stlh saya cek rodanya nggak ada kembangannya lagi.") Begitu si Boss mau ikutan ribut sama yg ditabrak, dia bilang: "Don't follow mix Sir! the bring that car if not wrong is the children fruit from manager moneys, he stupid doesn't play! let know taste." ("nggak usah ikut campur pak, yg bawa mobil itu kalo nggak salah anak buah dr manajer keuangan, dia memang goblok bukan main, biar tahu rasa.")
Besoknya si supir gak masuk kerja, terus pas lusanya dia masuk si boss bule nanya: "Why you're not coming?" Jwb si supir : "I am sorry boss, my body is not delicious, my body taste like enter the wind." ("maaf boss badan saya tidak enak, badan saya rasanya seperti masuk angin.") "I really don't know what's your point!" kata bossnya
Suatu hari ada bule kehilangan sepeda motornya yg dia parkir di depan toko di sekitar jln Malio-boro Yogya. Lalu dia bertanya ke Paijo yg saat itu kebetulan berada di tempat parkir,apakah dia ngeliat org yg ngambil sepeda motornya. Paijo bilang, "Yes, he use to table square-square.Worth he fast-fast go without any wet expire." ("Iya, dia memakai kemeja kotak-kotak.Pantes dia cepat-cepat pergi tanpa basa basi".) Lalu dgn sok berwibawa Paijo menasehati, "Sir, different river, if park bicycle motor liver-liver yes?" ("Tuan, lain kali kalo parkir sepeda motor hati-hati ya?") Tapi bule itu diam saja krn nggak tau mau jwb apa,shg Paijo jadi ngedumel: "Basic bule!" ("Dasar bule!")
Ane kaget banget kemaren ini pas lewat di depannye kelurahan, Ngebace spanduk nyang isinye: "SAVE THE COUNTRY, HANG TNI ... SAVE THE PEOPLE, HANG POLRI" Usut punye usut, ternyate nyang dimaksud ialah: "Keselametan negare,tergantung TNI ... keselametan rakyat, tergantung POLRI". Bujubuneng ..., rupenye si Lurah baru ikutan kursus bahase Inggris tapi udah nekat buat tampil ...
Penyelundupan Senjata US-RI
Kalau membeli Sukhoi jet dari Rusia dan senjata lainnya tidak akan pernah dianggap penyelundupan, malah ditawarin utang dulu US$1 triliun sama yang punya. Tapi kalau membeli 882 sub-machine guns, 800 hand guns, 16 sniper rifles dan 250 air-to-air Sidewinder missiles dari US, hmmm... itu penyelundupan namanya.
Saat ini, Hadianto Djoko Djuliarso and Ignatius Ferdinandus Soeharli sedang disidang dengan tuduhan penyelundupan senjata di Federal Court Detroit, US. Hadianto yang jadi managing directornya PT Ataru Indonesia memang diakui oleh TNI sebagai subcontractor dalam urusan pengadaan senjata, tapi menurut Menhan Juwono deal terakhir itu diluar pengetahuan negara. Apes banget sih Hadianto dan Ignatius, apa jangan-jangan mereka beli senjata untuk orang lain kali ya...?
Sebenarnya ada larangan mengekspor senjata dari US ke Indonesia sejak May 1997 seperti yang tertulis di US Foreign Policy Reform Act (Title IV Chapter 6 Section 453):
(a) In General.--The United States shall not provide military assistance and arms transfers programs for a fiscal year to the Government of Indonesia unless the President determines and certifies to the Congress for that fiscal year that the Government of Indonesia meets the following requirements: .....
Following requirements-nya ada 5 poin, tapi yang menarik adalah:
(2) Protection of nongovernmental organizations.--The police or military of Indonesia do not confiscate materials from or otherwise engage in illegal raids on the offices or homes of members of both domestic or international nongovernmental organizations, including election-monitoring organizations, legal aid organizations, student organizations, trade union organizations, community organizations, environmental organizations, and religious organizations.
Ternyata sejak Nov 2005, larangan penjualan senjata ke Indonesia tersebut dihilangkan oleh Bush Administration. Ini alenia terakhir dari pernyataan US State Dept:
In resuming Foreign Military Financing, the Administration plans to provide assistance for specific military programs and units that will help modernize the Indonesian military, provide further incentives for reform of the Indonesian military, and support U.S. and Indonesian security objectives, including counterterrorism, maritime security and disaster relief.Belakangan ini dua senator, Russell D. Feingold dan Patrick J. Leahy, menentang policy Bush Administration untuk meng-okay-kan perdagangan senjata ke Indonesia yang bisa dibaca di surat mereka tanggal 25 April 2006 ini.
Tapi semua fakta diatas cuma bisa dianggap talik ulur kebijaksanan dan politik luar negeri antara US dan Indonesia yang kalau ditambah dengan bumbu duit bisa memunculkan suatu persekongkolan atau korupsi. Wah penulis mulai sok tau nih... Ya bisa jadi toh, emang senjata itu murah apa harganya. Satu handgun aja rata-rata $500.
Kalau diliat dari kuantitas ordernya ada yang sedikit aneh di sini. 882 sub-machine guns, 800 hand guns, 16 sniper rifles dan 250 air-to-air Sidewinder itu ternyata, menurut pandangan penulis, cuma cukup untuk satu batalyon infantri (sekitar 700 tentara). Nah lho, ada yang punya rencana mo buat "batalyon swasta" nih di Indonesia.
Browsing-browsing di Google ternyata ada company yang namanya PT Ataru Indonesia. Tapi, mereka jualan "Blood Circuit for Artificial Kidney and Surgical Equipment". Hah !
(ide dari Indonesia Today)
Labels: conspiracy
BIMBO (Buy-In Management- Buy-Out)
A combination of an MBO and MBI. In a BIMBO, the in-house managers buy in to the company they manage, and invite outside managers to join their team and run it as a new independent business.
Say that, Company A and B compete each other and have their own management: Company A managers and Company B managers. Company A managers suddenly come up with buying their own company (A) and invite Company B managers to run it as a new independent Company C.
If Company A and B owners are emotional, they will be sad, damaged and heartbroken. However, they can still go out together and find some BIMBOs with their money from selling their companies to their managers.
a young woman who likes to go out with rich and powerful older men.
Kiwi dollar the most unstable - study
The following news report is covered by the two key persons in this study are my professor and tutor. I think it's time for them to start blogging.
Most exporters know that grappling with the volatility of the floating New Zealand dollar is a nightmare for their business and a study out today confirmed that.
The kiwi dollar and the Japanese yen are joint winners of the world's "wobbliest currency award", according to researchers at Victoria University.
Professor Roger Bowden and PhD student Jennifer Zhu investigated the variation of 13 major floating currencies since 1986, measuring all exchange rates off a common reference base.
Both the kiwi and the yen had major variations in a cycle of about seven years. The New Zealand dollar nearly doubled in value from a low of under US39c in late 2000 to nearly US74c last year.
By contrast, the Australian dollar was the world's third most stable currency in all bands, though the United States dollar was among the less stable.
The Singapore dollar was the most stable, followed by the Norwegian Crown.
Prof Bowden said the analysis showed the difficulties New Zealand business had faced and the conclusion re-raised the issue of whether New Zealand should pursue monetary union with Australia.
"It shows what Kiwi exporters and importers have had to put up with over the years compared to their competitors across the Tasman.
"We were surprised at the stability of the aussie dollar and it reinforces our findings from another study that Australian shares have been an excellent stocking filler for NZ investors, in terms of the stability they provide to the portfolio."
The new findings come at a time when monetary policy in New Zealand is under the microscope with Treasury, the Reserve Bank and the Government looking for new "tools" that could help improve monetary policy control.
Prof Bowden said there was a fear that the exchange rate had become the major defacto policy tool with more direct instruments, such as interest rates, less effective.
He said the study raised afresh the issue of whether a common currency with Australia would help.
"One thing you can be sure of though, is the Reserve Bank will not be in favour of monetary union with Australia because they will be out of business."
He said under inflation targeting guidelines, the Reserve Bank often raised interest rates at the wrong time and the currency rose inappropriately as a consequence.
"It's that effect on exports that gives them a lot of concern.
"Defacto, the real monetary controlling instrument is not the interest rate as such, it's the exchange rate."
"There is little doubt that inflation rate targeting has a role in exacerbating and making the exchange rate cycle worse."
He did not believe the instability would go away any time soon.
Prof Bowden said people had to understand that these "partly predictable" cycles were a reality and firms exposed to medium term currency swings should put in place active programmes of hedging and risk management.
Labels: finance
Easter Sunday in Wellington
Last time I went to Wellington two weeks ago, I visited St. John Presbyterian Church in the City for Easter Sunday worship. I took Johnsonville's train and then walked for about 15 minutes to the church. Here are some of the photos: