Burglarly or stealing is a bad thing. However, it's still such a normal crime. Stealing underwear? What do you think? It's not normal, isn't it?Stealing Panties
Is there a good market for second-hand underwears? Probably. Just check ebay out for panties.
Stealing Panties: another Podcast
Posted by
09 April 2006
G'Day Mate
You are very impressive tou minahasa, as such Minahasa needs you
Your opinion is much appreciated amongst the intelectual manadonese whom are scattered all around the world , however you can communicated and tukar pikiran ato mo bako cicaro or ba veto coba pigi di:
Forum Diskusi BBP (baku beking pande) nih addressnya:
cuma hati2 jangan sampe kepancing dengan yang namanya Farmer John dari Tulsa Oklahoma ada sadi seno dia
ok good luck
Gold Coast Aussie
nyolong underwear jadi normal buat orang yang nggak normal...hehehe
hehe.. lucu baca komennya hani. Jadi senyum2 ndili..
Btw, hari ini ada yg tersanjung.. (inget kan sinetron tersanjung di TV jaman dulu kala?)
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